Gwyn and Genia have been so amazing with our girls. Our daughter Aniston had speech therapy sessions with Gwyn for about nine months. In those nine months our sweet but quiet girl became a social and talkative child. It changed everything. Since she can now verbalize her feelings, wants and needs she is so much happier. She bonded with Gwyn right away and was always excited for therapy. Aniston turned three this last April and graduated from the program and did well in pre-school last school year and is ready to go start back this year. We have had a wonderful positive experience.
Our 21 month old daughter Jordyn now sees Genia and Gwyn. She has been having physical therapy and speech therapy with them for about six months. When therapy began with Jordyn she wasn’t walking and refused to wear shoes. She talked here and there but we felt that Gwyn could help her become more social and talkative like she had helped Aniston. A few months after therapy began Jordyn started walking everywhere. It is so wonderful. She can now follow her sisters everywhere. She is so happy and she wears shoes now too. She also talks a lot now and will repeat everything. We are so happy about how far our girls have come and we know the services they received from Gwyn and Genia is a big contribution to their success for the future. We are so thankful. They are wonderful and sweet ladies.