Funding Services
We understand the challenges of finding the financial support to get the help you need, and are ready to help you navigate. It is an option to pay privately, but the State of New Mexico also has sources of funding through
- A Developmental Disabilities Waiver, or
- General State Funding
The Options
Developmental Disabilities Waiver
A Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver provides funding for those with disabilities that occurred prior to 22 years of age. Applications are filed with the State and reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine eligibility. If the applicant meets the State’s requirements, they will be placed on a waiting list. Unfortunately, the DD waiver currently has a very long waiting period – approximately 10 years. Applicants must wait this time while the state of NM allocates sufficient funding to the applicant. Funding is limited and only a small number of individuals are funded statewide every year.
State General Funding
State General funding is intended for individuals needing minimal staff support. It is a very limited source of funding that often provides basic day and residential services while individuals wait for more sustainable funding through the DD waiver.
Tobosa can provide services through State General funding if we currently have a vacancy. Anytime a slot is vacant, Tobosa can provide services to someone on the waiting list for the DD waiver funding. To begin the process for State General funded individuals, we provide a case manager and meet with the individual and their family. In the meeting we discuss and prepare a plan to begin providing services.
Program Selection & Planning
Once the applicant has acquired funding through the DD waiver, the applicant must select a case management agency. The case manager provides the family and the applicant with service options and provider agencies available in the area. If the family and the individual select Tobosa, a meeting is scheduled to discuss and prepare a plan to begin providing services.
When funding is provided through the DD waiver, the case management agencies will serve as a third party therefore not associated with Tobosa Developmental Services.
Do you have a loved one who is living with developmental disabilities and needs support? We can help you apply for and receive funding for services! Contact us for more information.